Market Update

With the exception of Dates from USA, and Garlic from Spain, all produce we deliver is Australian grown, and locally sourced wherever possible.

When unpacking your produce, it should be handled as carefully as possible to minimise damage and bruising. Vegetables will store best in plastic bags or tupperware to prevent them from drying out in the fridge –  especially for carrots and broccoli. Most fruits will generally stay fresher in the fridge. However, to maximise flavour, tomatoes should not be refrigerated.


Market prices for a few varieties are up due to supply shortages. Over the last few months there has been unfavourable growing conditions – in particular excessive rain  – which has led to issues planting and maintaining crops.  Hopefully better growing conditions are not far off.

Asparagus – Australian season should commence in the the next couple of weeks.

Beans – Very scarce – market price is high

Broccoli – Locally grown broccoli is very good quality. Good supplies of Broccolini

Brussels Sprouts – In season .Excellent quality and value

Cabbages – Locally grown. In short supply

Capsicums – Both reds and greens are scarce due to recent heavy rain in QLD

Carrots – Premium quality, tender and sweet. It’s always best to store carrots in a plastic bag or tupperware, to prevent them from drying out and turning limp.

Caulitflower – Locally grown. Quality and value are very good

Corn – QLD season. Very good quality however price is up

Cucumbers – Very scarce. Colder weather has reduced supply and market price is up, however with milder weather supplies should improve soon hopefully 

Lettuce – Supply and quality of baby spinach, roquette, mixed leaf and Iceberg are very good

Potatoes / Pumpkin – Locally grown Brushed potatoes are excellent quality and value. Pumpkin is in short supply

Snowpeas / Sugarsnap – Locally grown snows and snaps are now in season

Tomatoes –  Very good supplies. Supplies or Cherry and Grape Tomatoes in to the market are improving

Zucchini – The QLD season has started – quality and value are good


Apples –  Pink Lady, Gala and Granny Smith are excellent quality and value

Avocados –  Hass are in season – excellent quality although supply has tightened and market price is up

Bananas – In short supply – market price remains higher than average. Hopefully warmer weather in QLD will increase supplies and bring down price soon

Berries – Supplies are starting to improve, so prices should come down over the coming weeks. Quality is very good

Grapes – Currently out of season. The new season will commence around December

Kiwifruit – New Zealand season – in very short supply

Lemons – In season – excellent quality and value. Limes are in short supply

Mandarins – Imperials have finished. Low seeded Afourers are juicy and flavoursome

Mangos – The new season for Kensington Pride has commenced. Limited supplies into the market right now, which should improve over the coming weeks

Oranges –  Navels are in season – quality and value are excellent

Passionfruit – Very good quality and value

Pears – New season Packams have started – very good quality, however market price is higher this year due to unfavourable growing conditions earlier in the year.

Pineapples – Excellent quality and value

Rockmelons – Good quality and value

Stonefruit – Peaches and Nectarines should commence in the next few weeks hopefully

Strawberries – QLD season – good growing conditions should mean that quality will be good this week. The best way to extend the life of berries is to remove them from their punnet and place on paper towel in the fridge. Only wash them just prior to eating.

Watermelon – Very good quality